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    A Walk Toward Victory Over the Ego

    Journey Inward: A walk toward victory over the ego


    "This is not a course for linear logic. It is for you to observe inwardly and see the truth of yourself. Ego can be defined as a person’s self-esteem or self-worth. We cannot put an end to the ego. As long as we have breath, our ego will breathe with us. My intention is not to capture and detain the ego. That would not be possible, as the ego is intangible. What we will set out to do is observe. Observe inwardly our thoughts and emotions. I want to give you a tool that is of great importance in any endeavor, especially in a self-defense situation. That tool is called awareness. Make no mistake, this is indeed self-defense."

  • Whenever you are lost go back to the beginning

    "The keys have been in your hand all along. But it takes tremendous courage, not to journey outward, but to journey inward."

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    Hardcover & Paperback Copy

    Paperback copy available available on Amazon.

    A Walk Towards Victory Over The Ego

    Excerpt 3

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  • About the Author

    Sensei Nardu Debrah is a Senior full instructor in Universal Defense System under its Founder Sifu Ralph Mitchell, who is a Vietnam Veteran and Master Teacher of multiple Martial Arts. Sensei Nardu is also a 4th Degree black belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu under the legendary Renzo Gracie, who is a Pride Fighting and UFC Veteran. Sensei Nardu is a professional mixed martial arts coach and former Ring of Combat champion. He has trained and developed Champions on all levels of Martial Arts Competition. He is the second born of Lisa Frazier. He started his journey in the Martial Arts at the age of 5 under his uncle Hassan Salahudin , a Veteran of the United States Marines and a student under the late Doctor Moses Powell. Sensei Nardu would later meet and train under the Vice President of the East Coast Kung Fu Federation Sifu Ralph Mitchell. Competing under Universal Defense System and team Renzo Gracie, Sensei Nardu went on to win multiple Chi Sao, Weapons, Full Contact Sparring events and Mixed Martial Arts Tournaments. He also holds victories in the World Escrima Kali and Arnis Federation. Sensei Nardu is one of the early pioneers of MMA / No Holds Barred fighting in New York City. He has studied extensively the concepts of Jeet Kune Do under Sifu Ralph Mitchell. Trained in Muay Thai, La Boxe Francaise Savate, Doce Pares, Kali/Arnis, fencing, Judo and Southern Mantis. He has had the opportunity to learn from his great Uncle Clarence Benyard of Bed-Stuy Boxing, the late George Washington and elder brother Kwabena Hardy. His MMA training has led him to meet and train under such experts as Rodrigo Gracie, Matt Serra, John Danaher and Yuri Silensky of Greco Roman Wrestling. As well as Robert Savoca Sensei of Brooklyn Aikikai and Kim Sensei of Toyama Ryu Batto do. His training has also led him abroad where he furthered his knowledge of Judo at the Kodokan in Japan as well as Iaido training in Kyoto. He also has trained Chen Style Tai Chi in China. He currently teaches Martial Arts at the Budokan Martial Arts Academy and exclusively for all who are serious to learn.